MetaHuman is a multidimensional being who travels million and millions of light years through universes of
the inner and outer time-space with one mission to accomplish; to protect all the planets of the known and unknown cosmos
from their self destruction. Using his collective memory and experience as a music form, he tries to gather all the intergalactic spiritual powers into
one pure energy to give creation, willpower, unity and self respect.
In the real world, his name is Kostas Kotsoris, born and lives in Greece.
He produces a kind of psychedelic-experimental trance music (or name it as you like….no hard feelings) under the artist name “MetaHuman”.
Everyday that passes, he’s trying to improve his sound and music so he can reach a state of perfection.
It’s a hard mission but when he accomplishes even the minimum, the feeling can’t be described with words!
Electricmoon Records
Lunatic Alien Records
Arcade Disfunction Records
Badgers Records
Tripura Yantra Records
Dark Ultimate Records
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